STMS CAT A/B Practising Assessment

Connexis Unit Standard 31963

Operate as a practising Site Traffic Management Specialist (STMS) within a road environment as defined in CoPTTM.


To work on the road as a STMS, the trainee must complete the relevant STMS theory courses and then STMS Practising Assessment. Once this assessment is completed, the trainee can be signed off to work on the road as a STMS.

The STMS Practising Assessment must be completed for the category of road the trainee requires:
  • Category A (CAT A): Low speed road (60km/h or less)
  • Category B (CAT B): High Speed (70km/h or greater), two-way – one lane each direction 
  • Category C (CAT C): High Speed (70km/h or greater) multi-lane roads (i.e. Motorways & Expressways)

About our STMS Practising Assessments

This assessment is for anyone who wishes to work on the roads as an onsite STMS. We offer STMS Practising Assessments for CAT A & CAT B roads.

The following practical tasks are completed for each closure type (i.e. Closures 1, 2, & 3):
  • Task 1: TMP Review
  • Task 2: Carry out pre-departure checks
  • Task 3: Check TMP to site conditions
  • Task 4: Carry out TTM crew briefing
  • Task 5: Installation of TTM
  • Task 6: Monitoring
  • Task 7: Removal of TTM
  • Task 8: Make provisions for unattended worksites

The duration of these assessments depends on the trainee's existing STMS qualifications & experience:

For new STMS (or STMS with a practising warrant >12 months expired)
The Verified Tasks (Closures 1 & 2) need to be completed as well as the Assessment Tasks (Closure 3). A full day is required to complete the CAT A Verified Tasks & Assessment, and another full day for the CAT B Verified Tasks & Assessment.

For existing practising STMS (with a warrant <12 months expired)
They are eligible to complete the Assessment Tasks (Closure 3) only. The STMS CAT A & B Practising Assessment can be completed in one day. 

What is provided on the day?

TMC Ltd provides all the following resources for the training to mimic a real site:
  • TTM Vehicle/s & Equipment
  • NZTA TTM Mentor/Assessor & Connexis Assessor
  • TTM Labour (if required)
  • DCC-approved training site TMPs
  • All paperwork, & registering of the NZTA warrant and Connexis Unit Standard 31963 (if eligible).


The attendee must have the following prerequisites to attend the STMS Practising Assessment: and
  • A TMO-P warrant current or expired <12 months; or STMS-P warrant of any category current or expired.

Expiry dates

Please note that the practising (P) warrant expires on the same date the non-practising (NP) warrant expires. We highly recommend completing the STMS Practising Assessment soon after completing the STMS NP courses to make the most out of the warrant.


Whether you are ready to complete your STMS Practising Assessment or are wondering where to start, please reach out to us. We run these assessments in Dunedin every week as well as STMS Training & Mentoring Days to help prepare you for these assessments.

For any enquiries please email

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