TMO Practising Assessment

Connexis Unit Standard 31960

Maintain the TTM worksite, install and remove a worksite, and undertake an inspection activity.


To work on the road as a Traffic Management Operative (TMO), the TMO-Non Practising (NP) course and then the TMO Practising Assessment must be completed. Practising assessments apply the theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom to an onsite environment. Once the TMO Practising Assessment is completed, the trainee can be signed off as competent to work as a TMO on the road.

About our TMO Practising Assessments

This assessment is for anyone who wishes to work on the roads as a TMO.

The following tasks are completed in order (often over two consecutive days):
  • Task 1: Maintain a closure – berm activity or footpath control.
  • Task 2: Maintain a closure – lane merge, lane shift, cycle lane diversion, or priority control with TSL.
  • Task 3: Inspection activity (on the shoulder of a Category B Road environment)
  • Task 4: Use techniques to deal with conflict on the worksite
  • Task 5: Maintain a closure – controlling alternating flow
  • Task 6: Install, maintain, and remove a shoulder closure worksite clear of the live lane
  • Task 7: Undertake inspection activity on a category A road environment

The Mentor Tasks (Tasks 1-4) are verified by a TTM Mentor and are completed first, then the Assessment Tasks (Tasks 5-7) are assessed by a TTM Assessor.
For existing TMO (with a warrant <12 months expired)
They are eligible to complete the Assessment Tasks 5-7 only.

What is provided on the day?

TMC Ltd provides all the following resources for the training to mimic a real site:
  • TTM Vehicle/s & Equipment
  • NZTA TTM Mentor/Assessor & Connexis Assessor
  • TTM Labour (if required)
  • DCC-approved training site TMPs
  • All paperwork, registering of the NZTA warrant and Connexis Unit Standard 31960 (if eligible).


The attendee must have completed one of the following courses:  

Expiry dates

Please note that the practising (P) warrant expires on the same date the non-practising (NP) warrant expires. We highly recommend completing the TMO Practising Assessment soon after completing the TMO NP courses to make the most out of the 3-year warrant.


If you are interested in booking your TMO Practising Assessment or have any questions regarding this training, please reach out to us. 

For any enquiries please email

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